mercoledì 9 settembre 2009

Dall'amico Maturin - Chesterton e San Tommaso Moro

Maturin ha collocato un interessante commento ad un post che riguardava Chesterton, San Tommaso Moro ed il loro essere entrambi cockney (cioè londinesi purosangue): padre Vincent McNabb sosteneva che essendo entrambi cockney, i due avessero la medesima attitudine all'ironia.

Rendiamo disponibile per tutti il commento, ringraziando Maturin!

Cari amici, approfondendo la figura di San Tommaso Moro mi sono imbattuto in questo articolo tratto dalla Newsletter Gazette dell'Associazione "Amici Thomae Mori" nel quale si cita Chesterton. Mi auguro di farvi cosa gradita segnalandovela. Cari saluti! Questo l'indirizzo della rivista in pdf:
(pagina 2).

Questo il brano riguardante GKC:

The insightful description of Saint Thomas More as ‘a returning star’ belongs to G. K. Chesterton who also referred to his mind as ‘like a diamond’ in an article written for The Universe in 1935, the year of More’s canonisation. Some six years earlier, in an address entitled ‘A Turning Point in History’, given at the More Memorial Exhibition at Chelsea in 1929, Chesterton made this extraordinary prediction: Thomas More is more important at this moment than at any moment since his death, even perhaps the great moment of his dying; but he is not quite so important as he will be in a hundred years’time.” Chesterton’s prophecy appears all the more remarkable for its prescience when set against the occasion of the proclamation of Thomas More as the Patro Saint of Statesmen and Politicians by Pope John Paul II in the Millennium Year, whilst his reference to Thomas More as a ‘returning star’ prompts the further reflection that the life and person of Saint Thomas More are, indeed, a guiding light and an ‘epiphany’ for our own times.

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